Mobile apps and games introduces you Treycent Phone + Watch Apps app for Android, download now!
Load photos using voice commands from your Android Wear smartwatch, Android smartphone or Chrome desktop browser using Treycent's apps.
Use our smartphone app or web app to upload a photo then add a "loading" question or phrase for it. Next, speak that question or phrase to load your photo using our Android Wear smartwatch app, Android smartphone app or our web app ( which works on any smartphone or tablet. Our web app also works on desktops and laptops running the Google Chrome browser.
You can share with friends or coworkers so they can use the same voice commands to view your photos. Share photos, graphics, charts and more. We support jpg, png and gif file formats. (Please note that large photos will be cropped when you view them by voice on your smartwatch so consider the size of the smartwatch screen when selecting your photo.)
Treycent also lets you share by email. Just send an email to, CC your friends, and in the body of the email put your loading phrase. After you receive a confirmation email you and your friends can then start using the loading phrase to view your photo using our Android Wear smartwatch app, Android smartphone app or web app.
Here's an example: lets say you want to share what you're having for lunch so you take a photo and email it to and CC your friends. In the body of the email you speak or type the loading phrase "lunch today". After getting your confirmation email you and your friends can then say "lunch today" to view the photo. You can change the photo associated with the phrase "lunch today" anytime you want by just sending another email or by using our smartphone or web app.
Here's another example: lets say you want to share work photos or graphics with clients. Email and CC your client. In the body of the email you speak or type the loading phrase "show me the latest rendering for the Client X project". After getting your confirmation email your client can then speak that phrase to view the rendering.
Download Treycent Phone + Watch Apps app for Android
Load photos using voice commands from your Android Wear smartwatch, Android smartphone or Chrome desktop browser using Treycent's apps.
Use our smartphone app or web app to upload a photo then add a "loading" question or phrase for it. Next, speak that question or phrase to load your photo using our Android Wear smartwatch app, Android smartphone app or our web app ( which works on any smartphone or tablet. Our web app also works on desktops and laptops running the Google Chrome browser.
You can share with friends or coworkers so they can use the same voice commands to view your photos. Share photos, graphics, charts and more. We support jpg, png and gif file formats. (Please note that large photos will be cropped when you view them by voice on your smartwatch so consider the size of the smartwatch screen when selecting your photo.)
Here's an example: lets say you want to share what you're having for lunch so you take a photo and email it to and CC your friends. In the body of the email you speak or type the loading phrase "lunch today". After getting your confirmation email you and your friends can then say "lunch today" to view the photo. You can change the photo associated with the phrase "lunch today" anytime you want by just sending another email or by using our smartphone or web app.
Here's another example: lets say you want to share work photos or graphics with clients. Email and CC your client. In the body of the email you speak or type the loading phrase "show me the latest rendering for the Client X project". After getting your confirmation email your client can then speak that phrase to view the rendering.
Download Treycent Phone + Watch Apps app for Android